PCOS Diet, Insulin Insensitivity

Best Diet For PCOS and Insulin Insensitivity

Experts now consider that the best type of eating plan to improve symptoms associated with PCOS and insulin insensitivity, is a low-GI diet, based on foods with a lower ranking on the glycemic index. This is because eating lower-GI meals and snacks helps to eliminate “sugar-spikes” – the sudden rises in blood-glucose due to consumption of high-GI carbs – and so reduces insulin response from the pancreas. By maintaining stable blood-glucose levels, a low-GI diet also helps to reduce the general level of insulin circulating in the bloodstream and should lead to a gradual improvement in PCOS and insulin sensitivity symptoms.

What Exactly is the Glycemic Index (GI)

The glycemic index (GI) is a new system for classifying carb foods, according to how fast they raise our blood-sugar levels. It replaces the old distinction between “simple” and “complex” carbs. The higher the GI value of a food, the faster the rise in blood glucose. The glycemic index separates foods into three general categories:

High GI Carb Foods (GI value 70+)
These carbohydrates cause a rapid rise in blood-glucose levels

Medium GI Carb Foods (GI value 55-69)
These carbohydrates cause a medium rise in blood-glucose

Low GI Carb Foods (GI value 54 or less)
These carbohydrates cause a slower rise in blood-sugar

What Exactly is a Low-GI Diet

Considered the best dietary option for PCOS patients, a low-GI plan is a balanced diet based on intermediate and low GI carbs, plus healthy protein and fats. It offers all the glycemic benefits of a less severe low carbohydrate diet, and all the nutritional benefits of lower-fat plans that include plenty of healthy wholegrain carbs like fruits and vegetables.

GI Benefits Obesity and Insulin Sensitivity Symptoms of PCOS

The glycemic index was designed originally to assist diabetes patients manage their blood-glucose levels. But dietitians and weight experts are now using it as a guide in the treatment of obesity, reduction of cravings and appetite swings, which makes it an ideal plan for PCOS sufferers with insulin problems. The point is, excessive intakes of high-GI carbohydrates (like sweets, white bread, white rice) cause elevated levels of glucose and insulin. By restricting these high-GI carbs, a low-GI weight loss plan is particularly effective for PCOS patients who are prone to fat storage as a result of their inability to metabolize carbohydrates.

For an excellent low glycemic plan for PCOS, see Low-GI Diet

Best Diet For PCOS and Insulin Insensitivity
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