Calcium absorption varies from person to person, according to genetics, but illness or disease can decrease the amount you retain. On average, only 20-40 percent of calcium you eat is absorbed and this decreases with age. Other factors that inhibit absorption of calcium include: lack of exercise, medicines, drugs, smoking, caffeine and stress. Lack of nutrients also reduces absorption of calcium, especially the vitamins C,D and K, as well as the minerals magnesium and phosphorus. So as you can see, drinking a glass of milk or popping a calcium tablet isn’t enough to prevent bone loss. This is why a healthy balanced diet is so important for menopausal women.
Food Sources of Calcium
The best and easiest food sources of calcium include milk, milk products, sardines, and salmon.
Helps to combat menopause-associated conditions like: osteoporosis, fatigue, type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, anxiety and depression.
Food Sources of Magnesium
Include: Figs, lemons, grapefruit, corn, almonds, nuts, soybeans, seeds, dark green vegetables, apples.
Helps to combat fibrocystic disease of the breast and breast cancer.
Food Sources of Selenium
Include: Brazil nuts, wheat germ, tuna, tomatoes, broccoli.
Helps to combat atherosclerosis, “hardening of the arteries”, in later life.
Food Sources of Manganese
Include: Nuts, fruit, vegetables, wholegrain cereals.
Helps in prevention of osteoporosis.
Food Sources of Phosphorus
Include: Meat, fish, eggs, milk, grains, nuts, seeds and beans.
Helps to combat osteoporosis in later life.
Food Sources of Zinc
Include: Lean steak, pork loin, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, eggs.