Diet Advice For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Diet Advice For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Add Soy to Your IBS Diet, But Gradually!

The good news, is that soy is a highly nutritious food. Soybeans contain all the essential amino acids so they make great protein foods. Soy is also a rich source of B vitamins, especially vitamin B6. Even better, whole soy foods are high in soluble fiber – a key part of any IBS diet.

The bad news, is that soybeans (like all beans) contain raffinose, a natural complex sugar which, when digested, produces carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane, which typically causes abdominal bloating and gas in people who are unused to eating beans. Solution? Add soy gradually to your daily diet. The point is, as you eat more soy or other beans, your digestive system will gradually adapt and the bloating/gas symptoms will disappear.

Eliminate Coffee to Reduce IBS Symptoms

Coffee is a very powerful digestive irritant. All coffee beans, including the decaffeinated variety contain an enzyme that irritates the digestive tract. Even one cup can trigger IBS attacks. Instead, try roasted soybean drinks, or even better, try a herbal tea. Peppermint tea is particularly beneficial as peppermint is a muscle relaxant and painkiller.For bloating and gas, choose fennel tea – fennel is especially beneficial for PMS symptoms, too. If you suffer from acid reflux, drink fennel, chamomile or anise teas instead of peppermint.

Best Liquids/Fluids For IBS

Water is best for irritable bowel syndrome. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water throughout the day. Herbal teas are great and some fruit juices (eg. unsweetened apple juice) are fine if not acidic. But avoid carbonated drinks or beverages as these can induce you to swallow air, which leads to gas.

Diet Advice For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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