As I said in 3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight, it’s our daily eating habits that cause most weight gain, rather than individual episodes of binge-eating. The same principle applies to exercise and fitness. A modest amount of daily exercise is more effective and sustainable than occasional vigorous workouts. | |
A Combination of Less Calories and More Exercise
It is possible to reduce weight without exercise, but it’s not ideal. Because losing weight typically involves losing muscle as well as fat. And the more muscle we lose, the lower our metabolic rate (the rate we burn calories). Which is why the best weight loss programs encourage you to reduce your calorie-intake and increase your exercise. Point is, if you make regular calorie savings, they add up to significant weight reduction!
Advice From the National Weight Control Registry
Medical experts overseeing the US National Weight Control Registry recommend this “small” regular calorie-saving approach to weight management. They emphasise the value of aiming for small but realisable weight loss goals.
Daily Diet and Exercise Suggestion
Reduce Calories
1 teaspoon Splenda® (< 5 calories) in your coffee/tea
Instead of:
1 teaspoon of sugar (16)
11 calories
Do this 4 times a day and save: 16,060 calories per year – the equivalent of 4.5 pounds of weight.
Increase Exercise
Take a brisk one mile walk (15 minutes) each day. This burns about 100 calories: more, if you weigh more than 150 pounds.
In one year, this burns a total of 36,500 calories – the equivalent of 9.5 pounds of weight.
Weight Loss Results
By adopting these two regular diet and exercise habits, you will save yourself a total of 52,560 calories – the equivalent more than 15 pounds of body fat.
More Information About Weight Management